Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I want these!


Ok so seriously these could be the most RAD cupcakes EVER!!!!! (Chantel, do you see these?)

Here is a little secret about me....get ready.....

I played The original Mario Brother's for hours and hours and HOURS when I was a kid, but was never was able to save the princess. Pathetic, I know...I may be the only kid on the planet to never conquer level 8:4


chantel said...

i do see these, danielle. is that a hint as to what you want for your birthday? i'll even be there too :)

The Wacky Pepperds said...

It may be a tiny hint...I would be lying if I hadn't remembered you would be here for birthday extravaganza week! Can't wait to see you guys!!!! We can go to Target together in WASILLA!!!!