Saturday, July 25, 2009

One problem.....

The Jeremy Pepperd household is officially, totally, and COMPLETELY out of diapers forever! We have reached that next chapter in our lives. Yippee.... can you hear me shouting from the roof tops? There is only one small tiny minor problem.... he won't pee indoors! I am not complaining,it could be worse, we could be having #2 outdoor issues..EWWWW! It is however a pain when we're at church and he wants to walk all the way outside and down to the lake to "pee in the yawter" or when it is bed time and we have to go out on the back porch to "pee in the gass". Still not complaining though! I'm sure he'll grow out of it when snow falls and it is not so fun to "feeze in the sow"! :)

Jul 2009 107

I want to share how we finally finished the potty training process. It's quite cool and I take no credit at all. We had been potty training for quite a few months and Landin knew what it was all about and how to do it, he just had no desire to. I was at my wits end and seriously tired of peed in laundry. One morning while I was doing my daily devotions and prayers I prayed (in desperation) to let Landin wake up and just "get it". When Landin woke up we were sitting on the couch in our morning snuggle session I asked him if he would like to pray about going potty like a big boy. He did and we prayed and guess what...NO MORE ACCIDENTS!

I love serving a God that is just as faithful to answer my little prayers as well as my big ones, all I have to do is ask, because he loves me so.


Anonymous said...

Little boys peeing outside...gotta love it :)