Sunday, January 17, 2010

Costa Rica: day 2...Flamingo

Day 2 of this Costa Rican adventure was just about as laid back as the first. We got up a little earlier enjoyed a full pot of coffee, wactched a few birds, sent off some emails, and then mosied into town to try to find this "nice grocery store". We did end up finding a nicer store which happened to be not to far from the ones we were at the previous day. We quickly realized that this was no mexican grocery store. All of the brands sitting on the shelves were exactly the same ones staring back at us when we wander the aisles in Wasilla. Costa Rica imports all of their groceries from what it looks like the US and Mexico. Even the pineapple was imported! We stocked up on some groceries and got some gas.(not many gas stations around here and by the looks of these little backroads, if you ran out you would be SCREWED) When we got home we unloaded all of the groceries and just relaxed on the front porch for a while. It is so nice out there! At about 3:30 we decided to check out Flamingo, we wandered the beach for a while, and then stopped to check out some fishing charters. Just like the groceries, they are CRAZY expensive. Jeremy is currently checking out Craigslist here in Costa Rica and threatening to buy a small panga instead!!!! When we left there we wandered down another long dirt road and found ourselves on another beach, a black sands beach. At the very end of the beach they were unloading and weighing literally boatloads of dorado. We were there for about two hours watching the sunset and eating dinner at this small beach restaurant. They unloaded the WHOLE time. Fishing must be good! When we left the beach the sun had set and so it was pretty dark. Things look alot different in the dark and we got lost! Not too bad, only a 20 minute detour. When we arrived back at our quiet litlle sanctuary when just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the evening. A couple pics from the day....

A stroll on Flamingo beach.

Jeremy watching the fish operation at sunset.

until next time...Pura Vida!